Nama: Simone Johanna Maria Simons, nama beken : Simone Simons
TTL: Hoensbroeg, Heerlen, Belanda, 17 Januari 1985
Band: Epica (band beraliran Symphonic Gothic Metal)
Instrumen: vokal, flute, piano dan menulis lagu
Jika melihat sosoknya pasti banyak yang gak percaya doi mengusung aliran musik yang keras dan hingar bingar, tapi itu fakta
Menurut saya, JuPe dan Lady Gaga jelas kalah sexy dibandingkan wanita ini (sorry buat fans JuPe dan Lady Gaga)
Pengalaman Musik dengan Epica
* The Phantom Agony (2003)
* Consign to Oblivion (2005)
* The Divine Conspiracy (2007)
* Design Your Universe (2009)
* "The Phantom Agony" (2003)
* "Feint" (2004)
* "Cry for the Moon" (2004)
* "Solitary Ground" (2005)
* "Quietus (Silent Reverie)" (2005)
* "Never Enough" (2007)
* "Chasing the Dragon" (2008)
* "Unleashed" (2009)
* "This is the Time" (2010)
* We Will Take You with Us (2004)
Other releases
* Cry for the Moon (demo, 2002)
* The Score - An Epic Journey (2005)
* The Road to Paradiso (book and compilation, 2006)
Pengalaman di luar Epica
Guest appearances
* Aina - Days of Rising Doom (2003)
* Kamelot - The Black Halo in "The Haunting (Somewhere in Time)" and appears in its video (2005)
* Kamelot - One Cold Winter's Night in "The Haunting (Somewhere in Time)" (2006)
* Kamelot - Ghost Opera in "Blücher" and "Season's End" (2007)
* Primal Fear - New Religion in "Everytime It Rains" (2007)
* Ayreon - 01011001 in "Web of Lies" (2008)
* Xystus & US Concert - Equilibrio in "Act 1 - My Song of Creation", "Act 2 - Destiny Unveiled" and "Act 2 - God of Symmetry" (2008)
* Sons of Seasons - Gods of Vermin in "Fallen Family", "Fall Of Byzanz" and "Wintersmith" (2009)
* Kamelot - Poetry for the Poisoned in "House on a Hill" and "Poetry for the Poisoned" (2010)
* MaYaN - Quarterpast vocals (2011)

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